Tuesday, September 1, 2009


As blogs go, starting one is easy. Adding good content is a bit more challenging. Have someone read it is a thrill. Having someone respond is the ultimate!

This blog is formed with several goals in mind:

  • To discuss all things possible about being physical. Hence the one part of the blog name: "Physic"

  • To discuss all things technical that relates to being physical. As in "Tech", the second part of the blog name

The foundation of discussions are rooted in the interest and knowledge of:

- physical education

- physical activity

- wellness

- fitness

- health education

- safety

- prevention

Each of these topics are associated with old and new technologies to measure, record, evaluate, or prescribe. The intention is to discuss and review industry positions, research materials, and viewpoints related to our core topics.

We do not live in an encapsulated environment. We are part of a global community. What happens in other parts of the world do impact us in one way or another. We can all learn from each other as is evident in the current health care discussion where programs fom other countries are investigated. Therefore this blog will expand its scope to include international developmenst in our core topics.

This blog will promote certain products or services from time to time. All such promotions will be strongly vetted by the author. Certain affiliate programs will apply as well. This is to expose readers to possible discounts or availability through relationships with providers.

Through our consulting agency we might be involved in some of the issues, programs, services, or equipment that will be discussed or promoted. The hope is that the expertise provides on these topics will more than make up to prevent this site becoming an infomercial.

Sales related issues will be covered as well. Thousands of sales professionals service the industries that are mentioned. It is ony fair that 'food-for-though' is delievred to these experts as well.

Stay healthy and be safe.

Michael Cordier

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