Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Cost of Smoking

Ever tried to quit smoking? Ask any quitter: it is not easy. And purposefully so. Addiction comes quickly. New research shows that nicotine triggers addictive behavior in the brain within two days of usage! Even smokers of relatively few cigarettes have withdrawal symptoms when deprived of nicotine.

According to National Geographic, US tobacco companies, between 1998 and 2004, have increased the amount of nicotine delivered with each puff by 11%. Amazing. No wonder so many people try over and over to stop this dangerous habit.

Some statistics that might not be known:
  1. 1 in 5 adults smoke in the USA (almost 50 million)
  2. 1 in 5 deaths in the USA are caused by smoking (almost half a million per year)
  3. 19.2 million smokers try to quite for at least one day
  4. Only 5% stays tobacco free for 3 to 12 months

What happens if you stay smoke-free for one year? Risk of coronary disease is cut in half!

What happens if you stay smoke free for 10 years? Risk of lung cancer drops by as much as half!

Needless to say, years of anti-tobacco education and warnings had limited success. Tobacco prices have increased to exceptional levels. This might have a positive impact. Sadly, women smokers have increased compared to males. There is still a battle to fight.

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