Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Christmas, like other family holidays, is characterized by good food and better company. It is therefore very common to start the New Year with resolutions that include eating healthier and losing weight. In short, exercise more.

This is a good time to look at exercise holistically, not to become a world athlete but to simply be happier and more productive. Join the 44% of Americans who will make resolutions for 2011in a few days and be sure to add more physical activity to that list. We all know the benefits of exercise to the waistline and to our hearts, but what other benefits will result from a brisk walk, cycle, or Wii Fitness?

For one, older people cut the risk of general dementia in half and their risk of Alzheimer's by 60% with regular exercise. It has been proven that one of the best ways to cope with stress and anxieties of life is through regular physical activity. Many experts say that exercise is a 'happiness booster'. Duke University found exercise to be generally as effective as drugs for treating depression.

These are preventative attributes but what about the role of exercise on mental development? This forum has posted numerous studies showing that exercise has positive influences on concentration, memory, and classroom behavior amongst students. We also reported on the fact that kids just moving around enhance intelligence, creativity and planning skills. Finally, large group studies shows a direct correlation between increased exercise and academic performance on standardized test scores.

We don't need a lot of exercise, just regularly. Join me to stay at it throughout 2011. See you on the road.
Michael Cordier

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