Friday, April 9, 2010

Victory in Small Increments in Texas

Earlier this year the Texas Department of Education lowered the physical education requirements for elementary and middle schools as well as those applicable for graduation. A slew of substitutes to fulfill the PE requirement were also approved. Those included ROTC, cheerleading, or a sememster of organized sports.

The message sent by the Department did say much about their feelings and priority towards physical education. It also send a message to professionals who dedicated at least for years to formal education to become certified physical education teachers. A ground swell of advocacy took place in many districts and local school boards listened.

On March 25, 2010 the Dallas ISD Board of Trustees approved an amendment to Board Policy EIF (Local) Academic Achievement, keeping the local high school graduation requirement for Physical Education at 1.5 credits and the high school Health Education requirement at .5. So, although the state has reduced the requirement from 1.5 to 1.0 for Physical Education and from .5 to .0 for Health Education, the Dallas Independent School District will keep these requirements for our students entering the ninth grade during the 2010-11 school year and thereafter.

It is an a victory for passionate teachers and highlights the importance of physical activity and good nutrition. Let all of us continue the good fight.
Michael Cordier

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