Two headlines caught the eye recently: one opined on the demise of field trips because of budget shortages and the second related to pending legislation in Nevada that will require child care providers to take annual training about childhood obesity.
While the argument could be made that given a choice to cut a teacher or cut field trips, the choice is easy we should perhaps consider the original thought behind field trips. It was implemented to get students out of the classroom to experience real-life scenarios. To visit a museum, a drama, a science center, a zoo, a musical, a 911 call center, a firehouse, a ecological project and all the interesting things that many students will never see, hear, taste, or smell in their entire life times. An old Chinese proverb says, "A thousand miles traveled is better than 10,000 words read". Field trips should not be an either/or choice. It is too important for overall student development.
Encouraging is a bill from Senator Valerie Weiner, D-Las Vegas, that requires training each year for child care providers in nutrition and fitness. The argument is made that these providers play a larger role in the child's health and development as 36% of children entering kindergarten in Nevada are overweight. I cannot agree more with this legislation and hope that the Nevada Senate passes it.
Michael Cordier